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Modul: Introducere în Backend
Basics - Apps Architecture (17:39)
Basics - Internet (18:14)
Video Autoevaluare (0:18)
Autoevaluare: Basics - App Architecture & Basics - Internet
Algorithms 1 - Intro (16:25)
Algorithms 2 - Variables and Data Types (19:38)
Algorithms 3 - Pseudocode (28:53)
Algorithms 4 - Flowcharts (12:12)
Video Workshop (0:24)
Algorithms 5 - Workshop 1 (39:19)
Algorithms 6 - Workshop 2 (36:57)
Algorithms 7 - Workshop 3 (49:16)
Algorithms 8 - Workshop 4 (32:45)
Algorithms 9 - Workshop 5 (19:27)
Algorithms 10 - Workshop 6 (39:07)
Algorithms 11 - Workshop 7 (30:06)
Algorithms 12 - Workshop 8 (37:42)
Algorithms 13 - Workshop 9 (45:59)
Video Autoevaluare (0:18)
Autoevaluare: Algorithms
SQL 1 - Intro (6:52)
SQL 2 - Constraints (5:02)
SQL 3 - SQL Data Types (4:31)
SQL 4 - Commands (11:47)
Video Workshop (0:24)
SQL 5 - Workshop (22:53)
Video Autoevaluare (0:18)
Autoevaluare: SQL
GIT Basics (39:14)
GIT Remotes (26:24)
Video GIT Workshop (0:24)
GIT Workshop (62:54)
Create an SSH key and set it up with Github (14:19)
Video Autoevaluare GIT (0:18)
Autoevaluare GIT
Backend Overview
Backend Overview - Create an API using .NET (13:47)
Video Final Thoughts (0:36)
Algorithms 10 - Workshop 6
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